577A Maunganui Road
Mount Maunganui, 3116

To get in touch:

Mobile / Txt : 027 774 3444

Phone: 07 574 3444

Email: hkosteo@gmail.com

Local Osteopath services 
Mount Maunganui
Tauranga | Papamoa
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Your local dedicated osteopath in Mt Maunganui

If you require help with acute (recent) or chronic (ongoing) musculoskeletal (muscle and or bone) injuries, HK OSTEO can guide you through your recovery. For over 24 years, Howard has been helping people of all ages with a variety of injuries. 

Welcoming patients from the Papamoa, Tauranga & Mt Maunganui areas, HK Osteo takes a hands-on approach to the WHOLE body. Using a variety of techniques for soft tissue [muscles (massage)], joint manipulation [clicks (adjustments)] and Connective tissues [functional / positional release.

This includes helping you with pain in your:
- Arms
- Legs
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Head
- Ankles
- Knees
- Back

from accidental or ongoing pain problems.

For those needing to return to work following injury, HK Osteo can put together graduated programs with your employer, ensuring you can complete ongoing tasks safely. Howard looks forward to meeting you, and helping you achieve your goals.

If you have any inquiries about his approach, you can call, text or email him today. 
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To book an appointment, call us today on 027 774 3444

How we can help you

Our focus here at HK OSTEO is on sustainable recovery. Howard, your Osteopath, will get you better as quickly as possible and make sure you stay that way. The areas he can help you with include:
  • Acute injury - lifting, sprains, strains, sports injuries
  • Trauma - car accidents, falls, ligament damage
  • Congenital problems
  • Developmental and postural problems
  • Arthritis - and general joint pain
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Osteopath treating patient

About Howard Kay, Osteopath

Howard Kay moved to NZ in 2000, after earning  a BSc honours in osteopathic medicine from Westminster College and two diplomas from the British College of Naturopathy & Osteopathy (BCNO) now The British College of Ostopathic Medicine - BCOM) in London. Since then, Howard has been faithfully treating patients in the local area, with a brief stay in Auckland to study traditional Chinese acupuncture in 2006. Suffering some throwing injuries as an athletic teeager, he has developed a special interest in treating problems of the neck and shoulders. Asthma is also of personal interest, along with frozen shoulder (Adhesive capsulitis)

Call us today on 027 774 3444. We will help you to help yourself stay active in life!

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